Trap Club


2024 - Laramie Trap Club League information

The Annual Membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 1st at 6:00pm at the LTC Clubhouse.

We are happy to announce the Trap League will begin on May 28th and 29th.  Below is a link to the annual letter that goes over many of the details of the club, including the League.  Below are highlights of League for this year. 


  • League will be split into two nights – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

  • First nights of League are Tuesday May 28th and Wednesday May 29th and will run through August 6th and 7th.  Party night is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday August 13th but may change if we have to makeup days because of weather cancellations. 

  • Teams will need to sign up for a specific night and time to shoot. Date and time slots will be allotted based on those preferences and in the order that the team roster was submitted

  • If you are unable to access the online form, you can still complete the team roster sheet (link below), and return it to the club as soon as possible either via email at, or turn it in at the Clubhouse on open practice days.

  • We will allow pre-shooting this year, but we will limit pre-shooting to twice during the League. If you know you will miss a week during league you will now have the option to pre-shoot to record your score

  • If you are unable to shoot your league targets for a week, please let us know and we will issue you 2 practice tokens to cover the targets you paid for in your League Fees.

  • The cost will be staying the same as last year. The League Fee is $170, and the Membership Fee will be $60 for a total of $230 per shooter.​

  • Payment for the League and Membership can be made any time the club is open for practice, on the night of the annual Membership Meeting (May 1st), or on the first night of League. We do allow members to split the payments if they want, with the first half ($115) due on the first night and the second half no later than July 9th/10th.

  • Each shooter must fill out a payment coupon (link below) when submitting payment. This helps ensure we have the correct contact information and attests shooters understand the safety rules posted at the club.

  • Shooters 18 and under will be charged half ($85) of League fees and will be given free memberships to the club.

  • We will be giving away a Shotgun on party night to help encourage participation this year. Only league members present at the awards ceremony will be eligible. A big thank you to Dave and Bonnie Athey for the giveaway shotgun.